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Sponsored & Search Ads

Where keyword selection and bid optimization move the needle

We design our campaigns for sponsored and search ads to accomplish specific objectives and reach audiences at each stage of the shopping journey.

This approach gives us the control needed to achieve current objectives and the flexibility to seamlessly pivot strategies as your account evolves.

Amazon Sponsored Ads

Sponsored Products
Sponsored Brands
Sponsored Display

Google Search

To DTC Site
To Amazon Listing

Walmart Search

Sponsored Products
Sponsored Brands

Amazon Sponsored Ads

This is where we built and honed our PPC expertise. When we partner with clients, we analyze gaps in existing strategies before building out new campaigns based on your unique objectives. Our software funnels converting targets between campaigns and ad types, ensures correct utilization of placement settings, optimizes bids continuously, and more.

Google Search

Direct traffic to your ecommerce site or to your Amazon listing. Utilizing Amazon Attribution, Ad Advance can programmatically map Amazon add-to-carts, purchases, and sales to Google Ads campaigns at the keyword level. Beyond the convenience of viewing performance within a single location, this feature unlocks significant optimization capabilities.

Walmart Search

What we perfected on the Amazon Ads platform – but on Walmart Connect. We will help you reach motivated customers searching for products like yours, whether through personalized carousels on the Homepage, in-grid, under the Buy Box, or on the pre-checkout page.

Let’s find a solution for you.