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Amazon Sponsored Ads

Crafted by the most advanced advertising agency for ecommerce brands.

Amazon Ads Advanced Partner

We combine intuition and technology
to help you grow

We manage the full suite of Amazon Sponsored Ads including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Brands Video and Sponsored Display.

41% increase

21% improvement

in ROAS or ACoS

Source:  Study completed November 2023 from Ad Advance internal Amazon Sponsored Ads data from January 2022 – October 2023

Why Hire an Expert to Manage Your sponsored Ads on Amazon

Keep up with your competition

Get your products in front of a more targeted audience.

Increase brand awareness.

Improve sale rank.

Generate more organic traffic to your listings.


Impressions Earned


Sales Generated



Amazon Sponsored Ads management approach

People focused.
Data driven.

Our hybrid agency model combines the advantages of hands-on management with the efficiency and capabilities of our proprietary software.

Our in-house team makes sense of volumes of data with our technology and expertise, so you always have the transparency you need to confidently delegate your advertising.


Continuous Bidding System

Our Streamline continuous bidding system harnesses hourly data from Amazon Marketing Stream to help place your ad when it will most likely lead to a sale. When it comes to reviewing metrics, advertisers are typically looking back seven or 30 days and adjusting accordingly. Most of your competition isn’t looking at day of week numbers, let alone hourly metrics. But we are. This inefficiency by the competition creates an opportunity for us. Using our propriety Ad Advance Streamline system, we can now make sure your ads are getting shown when people are most likely to purchase.

Funnel System

For any product or group of products, we like to have a primary campaign series that consists of an Auto Campaign that then feeds into a manual campaign.

Our Cascade system harvests keywords and products that convert in the Auto, send them down to the Manual where we can more precisely target with more control. Those converting keywords and product targets are then set as Negatives in the Auto campaign, so it continually works as a discovery tool.

Human interaction and strategy aside, Cascade is one of the key elements of continuous sales expansion for our clients.

Bid Optimization System

The day-to-day grind of Amazon Sponsored Ads optimization is a lot to ask of a seller or brand focused on the bigger picture. But this is where you find efficiency and room for scale. Our Ion system proactively fine-tunes bid and placement adjustments based on human-set parameters.

Ion adapts and adjusts to changes in the market, while always taking historical data and trends into account. Think of it as a “virtual assistant” to each of our Account Managers – making adjustments at scale.

Reporting System

Ad Advance’s interactive client dashboard is our hub for all of our advanced reporting.

Within our client dashboard you will have access to multiple navigation points that will measure the impact of your advertising on a big picture and granular level.

See the impact of your ads at each level of the funnel, and so much more. Scroll through the carousel to view samples of our reporting.

Why Ad Advance?

Ad Advance is always ahead of the curve with new features and trends, and our agency model allows for us to be a strategic partner with your growing company.

Amazon Sponsored Ads - rapid improvement

Rapid Improvement

Our software allows us to implement new features faster than anyone else in the space. You can sleep well at night knowing you’re one step ahead of your competition.

Amazon Sponsored Ads - tailored approach


Our approach is different for every client we work with. We develop a support system, strategies and reporting to meet your unique goals and visibility requirements

Amazon Sponsored Ads - advice

Advice you Haven’t Heard Before

Because two of our core values are being transparent and respectful, you can expect we’ll give you direct feedback with your best interest in mind, so you never miss out

Amazon Sponsored Ads - in house operations


Unlike most agencies out there, all of our Account Executives work in-house. This allows for constant collaboration and approaching solutions from a variety of unique backgrounds
and skillsets.

Featured Case Study

Finding the Path of Least Resistance to Loyalty

Let’s Work Together