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Today we welcome back Melissa Barnstorf, Director of Walmart Marketplaces & Account Manager at Ad Advance, to explore the fascinating realm of Walmart advertising and how it stacks up against the giant – Amazon. If you’ve been wondering about the ins and outs of Walmart ads or if you’re looking to understand the key differences between these e-commerce powerhouses, this episode promises valuable insights.

Melissa kicks off the conversation by offering a glimpse into Walmart’s advertising landscape, which bears a resemblance to Amazon’s early days – marked by rapid growth and a wealth of untapped opportunities. Together, they dive into the array of ad types, with a particular focus on sponsored products. Throughout the episode, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the advertising controls at your disposal, from the nuances of auto and manual campaigns to the unique placement settings that allow for precise targeting.

They also discuss the game-changing Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS), offering speedier shipping, smoother returns, and the highly sought-after W+ badge, which rivals Amazon Prime. What makes this episode even more intriguing is the insight into the current lower level of competition on Walmart’s platform, making it a golden opportunity for sellers to carve out their niche.

Whether you’re eager to explore the uncharted territory of Walmart advertising or simply curious about the ever-evolving world of e-commerce advertising, this episode is an invaluable resource.