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The Ad Project

Gain insights that will help you maximize profits
and scale your Amazon business.

This week on The Ad Project podcast we welcome Brent Zahradnik, Founder and CEO of AMZ Pathfinder – an Amazon Advertising agency that works with brands to optimize their advertising presence on Amazon, increase conversion rates with content optimization, and drive external traffic from Google to their Amazon product catalog.

With over a decade’s experience in the eCommerce industry, Brent has a deep understanding of the intricacies of Amazon’s algorithms and the best digital marketing practices for helping entrepreneurs and brands succeed in the Amazon marketplace.

In this episode, Joe and Brent dive into the ever-evolving landscape of Amazon advertising, from driving external traffic from Google to Amazon listings, to mid and upper funnel strategies.

Top 4 Discussion Points:

  • Driving External Traffic: Strategies and benefits of driving external traffic, particularly from Google to Amazon listings.
  • Tracking and Monitoring: Significance of tracking tools to monitor the impact on organic rank and ensure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  • Alternative Metrics: Exploration of metrics such as new-to-brand, lifetime value, and customer acquisition costs to measure the impact of mid and upper funnel strategies.
  • Challenges in Measurement: Challenges of accurately connecting metrics with advertising data and measuring incrementality and market share.

Overall, this podcast episode provides insights into driving external traffic to Amazon, optimizing advertising efforts, and measuring the impact of various strategies in the complex world of Amazon advertising.

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