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Amazon is a convenient platform that allows shoppers to quickly find what they’re looking for. Ranking is a critical component to being successful on Amazon since products ranked higher in search results typically get the most sales. It’s in Amazon’s best interest to show products in top placements that will likely convert. However, with competition growing daily, how can sellers improve their ranking and obtain a bigger piece of the pie?  In this episode, we cover the most common questions on improving Amazon ranking and how Amazon advertising ties into it all.

Episode Highlights

Intro                                        [00:19]

What is organic ranking?        [00:57]

Key components that can affect Amazon rankings    [01:49]

Does Amazon advertising really help to improve organic rankings?          [13:41]

How to set up campaigns in Amazon to help boost organic ranking       [17:06]

What are the best resources when optimizing product listings?                [23:14]